The business is organized in terms of 4 Strategic Business Units, as mentioned above, which are highly focused, empowered, self-sufficient Business Units, with greater ownership of activities and results. In order to dovetail these business Units with the core competencies in the technologies, we follow a matrix structure. Technical people belong to the Core Competency Group and are assigned to the SBUs on a need basis. Thus, dynamic groups are formed with the necessary expertise to implement the projects and at the end of the projects, the groups are dispersed and the people are deployed back to the Core Competency Group.
In order to assist the SBUs in HR, Administration, Finance and Quality, Strategic Support Units (SSUs) have been formed in the respective areas. A Management Committee consisting of the Heads of Units forms the Apex body to make policy and business decisions.
Immediate response by delivering End to End IT solutions to improve product, technology and services; customer need and competitiveness in the growing market.
Working closely with them to create win-win situations in all business associations.
Continuous value addition with excellence by creating the best work environment, providing challenging assignments and opportunities to constantly update technical knowledge and expertise.
Achieve objectives, goals by continuously increasing returns on investment.
At RISHI, we follow the open work culture where considerable flexibility and freedom are given to the people in order to bring out their best creativity and productivity. We continuously give them opportunities for their skill development and exposure to the new technologies, through internal and external training programs. We provide inter-group mobility for optimal utilization of the experience and the expertise of the people. We believe in and practice trust and transparency among the people and the management.
In the Information Technology industry, the biggest challenge today is the selection and retention of people. The management knows the aspirations of the young professionals and provides a congenial atmosphere for them to work in the high technology areas and state of the art development environment. Our HRD Group plans for the career development of our people and offer challenging overseas assignments. We are providing not only the industry standard remuneration to our people, but also plan for productivity-based incentives, service longevity bonus and employees stock option for the achievers.